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Trần Đặng Đăng Khoa - World Explorer

Embarking on a second global tour, this time with a pickup truck, Trần Đặng Đăng Khoa, a seasoned travel blogger, immerses himself in the diverse cultures, landscapes, and stories our planet offers.

Information and Details

Deep in the fall of celebrities' information in the world of travel, detailing their the impact on their status and influence.

Trần Đặng Đăng Khoa, a Vietnamese traveler, embarked on a global journey with a pickup truck, after a remarkable 1,111-day motorcycle ride across five continents.

His new adventure began on November 11, echoing the number of days spent on his previous motorcycle journey, marking the start of his worldwide exploration in a more unconventional mode of travel.

Despite ending his motorcycle journey early due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa, Khoa's unfulfilled dream has propelled him to traverse the globe once more, this time in a Suzuki Blind Van he affectionately calls "Sóc."

Why choose a pickup truck for the second global journey?

Khoa's choice of a Suzuki Blind Van for his global expedition was inspired by a squirrel he encountered, reflecting the vehicle's agility and compactness. Named "Sóc," the van symbolizes his connection to his roots in Tiền Giang and his aspiration for a nimble yet resilient journey ahead.

What makes "Sóc" special for this journey?

"Sóc" is meticulously organized with over 300 essential items for repair, personal hygiene, cooking, and emergency needs, making it a compact yet fully equipped companion for Khoa's ambitious trip around the world.

How does Trần Đặng Đăng Khoa plan his routes and destinations?

Khoa's route planning involves a mix of thorough research and spontaneous decisions, allowing for flexibility to explore off-the-beaten-path destinations while ensuring safety and feasibility for his truck, "Sóc." He prioritizes experiences that offer a deeper understanding of local cultures and landscapes.

How does Trần Đặng Đăng Khoa prepare for his travels?

Khoa’s preparation is extensive, involving careful selection and organization of his gear, emphasizing the need for self-sufficiency and adaptability on the road. His approach underscores a balance between spontaneity and meticulous planning.

What are Khoa's expectations for this journey?

Khoa aims to visit over 100 countries, carrying not only his dreams but also those of many others inspired by his journey. Despite setting ambitious goals, Khoa values the joy of exploration and the experiences gained above all.

What challenges does Khoa anticipate, and how does he plan to overcome them?

Khoa expects logistical challenges and the unforeseen nature of long-term travel. His strategy involves a flexible mindset, thorough preparation, and the willingness to adapt to new situations, learning from each experience as he progresses.

"Carrying dreams across continents, my journey is a testament to the spirit of adventure and the endless quest for knowledge."

How does Khoa view the difference between motorcycle and truck travel?

Traveling by truck offers more comfort and capacity for longer stays, contrasting with the more exposed and minimalist nature of motorcycle travel. Khoa appreciates the truck's shelter and storage but acknowledges the potential complexities of vehicle maintenance.

What inspired Khoa to turn his travel experiences into a book?

The desire to share the wealth of experiences and lessons learned during his travels inspired Khoa to compile his adventures into a book. He aims to inspire others to explore the world, highlighting the beauty of diverse cultures and the personal growth that comes from traveling.

How does Khoa handle challenges and setbacks on the road?

Khoa approaches challenges with resilience and creativity, viewing setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow. He relies on a combination of preparedness, local knowledge, and the support of the global travel community to navigate difficulties.

What motivates Khoa to embark on such challenging journeys?

Khoa is driven by a deep-seated desire to explore and discover the unknown, seeking to experience the world's diversity firsthand. His travels are fueled by a passion for adventure and a quest for personal growth through the challenges he faces.

What role does the travel community play in Khoa's journeys?

The global travel community is a vital source of support and inspiration for Khoa. Fellow travelers offer advice, share experiences, and sometimes provide assistance during challenging times, reinforcing the sense of camaraderie and mutual support among explorers.

How does Khoa document and share his travel experiences?

Khoa uses a combination of photography, videography, and writing to document his travels. He shares his adventures through social media, his blog, and public speaking engagements to inspire others and provide insights into the places he visits.

What drives Trần Đặng Đăng Khoa's passion for global exploration?

Khoa's thirst for adventure is fueled by his curiosity about the world's diverse cultures, landscapes, and the unique stories of people he meets along the way. His passion lies in discovering the unknown and sharing these experiences to inspire others.

How does Trần Đặng Đăng Khoa choose his destinations?

Khoa selects his destinations based on a blend of personal interest in the location's cultural or natural significance and recommendations from the global travel community. He seeks out places that challenge him and provide rich, educational experiences.

What unique challenges does Trần Đặng Đăng Khoa face when traveling by truck?

Traveling by truck presents unique logistical challenges, such as navigating through diverse terrains, dealing with maintenance issues in remote areas, and adapting to various international driving regulations and standards.

Join Trần Đặng Đăng Khoa as he shares his epic journey across the globe, inspiring others to chase their dreams and explore the vastness of our world.



9, Vũ Phạm Hàm, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội, Việt Nam